Well it's official, I am climbing the CN tower! I first heard about it last year when a co-worker spoke about climbing it for the World Wildlife Foundation. Last year, I wanted to do it, however didn't do anything about it. This year I took matters into my own hands.
I made flyer's, and I put my name on the sign in sheet that I created. After a long 12 hour night shift I went home and thought to myself: There is no turning back! My name is out there on the sheet, that is that!
To my amazement, many other co-workers are up to the challenge. Fantastic! There is about 10 of us so far that have signed up, and it will be great to complete this challenge together.
But don't be fooled. 144 flights of stairs is A LOT of stairs. The floor I currently work on is on the 8th floor, there are 9 floors in the hospital in total and approx 150 ish stairs. Training has included going up and down the stairs for work, as well as the stair climber at the gym. A lot of training is needed!!
The first attempt going up the stairs it was around floor 3 when a co-worker and I would start to loose are breath, and by floor 4 we would no longer talk with one another lol. Now a days it's around floor 6 that we stop talking with one another, and my quads don't hurt/burn like they once did however it's more of a cardiovascular concern. I often wonder if this will be my first and last time in the CN Tower lol.
The scale says 284lbs. I would like to drop at least 15 pounds before the climb. I think I should get half the time taken off when I reach the top since i am climbing with the weight of another person on me. Ahhh if only I could make the rules!!
Needless to say, this a great fitness challenge, and a event to look forward to. Next year I hope to do this again, and beat my final time this year....Love a good challenge!