I used to avoid "The Scale" at all costs. I was a expert at avoidance and in total denial. The scale was the last thing I wanted to step on as I started to pack on the pounds. These days however, the scale has become my friend (hard to believe, I know!). Truth is me and the scale have a love/hate relationship. I step on the scale more then I should right now, watching the numbers go up as the day goes on for the most part. However, just like anything in life it requires balance.
When I am at the heavier side of the scale I have avoided, as I start to loose weight I pay attention, and when I have gained weight back, I avoid. It's part of the denial process I have gone through several times in the past. I don't want to live in denial, or avoid anymore. I want to be aware, I am aware.
Tuesday morning I wake up, and have to pee like its nobody's business. I peel myself from my bed, turn on the light in the bathroom, go pee, wash hands then of course. Step on the scale. I step on the scale and I see 283lbs. First reaction (what the hell, that's not right!), step on again, mad that the scale just lied to me and low and behold I see 283lbs. I pause, then yell out "I am the biggest loser!!!" As if I am on the hit TV show or something lol. I look at my body, I look at the number, and I am still not convinced. Surely I would feel different, wouldn't I?? I step on the scale for the 3rd time, and BAM! Just like that the 283 dream is over. Scale says 292.5Lbs. I step on again, as this 4th time will be the deciding factor. Scale reads 292.5lbs. DAMN IT!
I get off the scale, and laugh to myself. 283lb would have been nice, but how would I have justified loosing 10lbs in a few days? I did have something to be happy about, I did have a weight loss. A more justifiable loss of about 1lb in a matter of a few days. Fantastic! Sign, but 283lb felt soooo right!! lol
Point is, my scale lied to me. After years of lying to myself about my weight, and avoiding the damn thing, it pulls a fast one on me, and lies to me!! How dare the scale do that to me!
Lesson learned. No more lying to myself, no more avoiding, me and the scale are officially friends again.
When I see 283lbs in the next several weeks, I'll have a good laugh. I will also step on and off the scale 3 times, and make sure to say out loud once again "I am the Biggest Looser!!"
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
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