Week 1: June 1-June 8, 2008
It just so happened to be the start of the month when I made the commitment to myself, to change myself physically and emotionally. No it's not a Monday, it actually happened to be a Sunday for a matter of fact!
lolI have been
contemplating in my mind for years it has seemed, but until recently (I mean a few months ago), something finally clicked. Almost like a
light bulb in my head going off "Eureka!". It was the day I said to myself, that "I no longer want to live this way. I have missed out on so much life, and so much living." I remember that moment, and reflected back in the last 6 years specifically, how much I have given up, and how much of life I
haven't lived because of my weight and the emotions
attached to my weight. I made the decision June 1/08 that life will no longer be like this for me, and that it doesn't have to. I can change it, and I will!.
So here it is. Week 1: The Start
Some goals I had for myself t his week were the following.
1. Eat
approximately 1700-2,000 calories a day.
2. Avoid binge eating. Become aware of patterns or cravings.
3. Exercise!
Elliptical Glider and Walking to start.
4. Avoid temptations of eating out.
5. Find new
recipes and foods to eat, and have fun with it!
6. Try to incorporate new exercises to try in the future.
Making all these changes has been a eye opener. Instead of avoiding anything fitness, like programs on television, or magazines, or topics with friends. I have been quite opposite, and have been putting all my attention into fitness/healthy eating, and NOT AVOIDING!. I worked out 4
x's, doing the
elliptical between 30-40minutes. I worked out with a friend at the gym, made a healthy dinner, and have been
conscious into what I have been putting into my body. There were struggles to keep on track that is for sure, and many opportunities to go out for dinner/lunches, which I am trying to stay away from as I am trying to stay closely to my diet, and meals I have prepared. I actually enjoy salad!! That in itself is a miracle! I have been playing around with different leafy greens and found that I really enjoy salad topped with some chicken, very good. I have been using a light cucumber dressing 20 cal a tablespoon and eating
approx 4 cups of salad at dinner with a chicken breast or 1.5 chicken breasts on top. Very filling. I have been struggling with hunger though, and I do want to make sure I balance my meals out so I feel fuller for longer, so I am trying new ideas with that. Also I am drinking plenty of water as not only was the temperature hot outside, but I want to make sure I am well hydrated, and not causing
unnecessary hunger pains, from being dehydrated.
I have looked into different options for exercise and at this point I have come up with a few ideas. Firstly, I find low impact exercises great right now. I can sure work up a sweat but, they
aren't taking a toll on my joints! I love the
elliptical, and walking. I have been walking to work on several occasions, but I didn't walk this week. I have been sticking to the gym mainly, as the thought of walking in almost 40 degree weather doesn't sound
appealing at this time.
I have printed off maps of trails in my city that I would like to explore and walk. I have found one that is, quite beautiful near the water which I enjoy walking. I love listening to nature, as I walk the trail at RIM park, and can hear the water. So peaceful. I want to explore other trails. I find walking a great time to reflect, and great for my mind and body. Plain and simple, it makes me feel good!.
I have also decided that I will do some walks for causes, such as the Terry Fox 10k walk and Minds in Motions 10k Walk. These walk-a-
thons are not until September, but this will give me ample time to improve my fitness level. As it is now, if I walk to and from work it is almost 9km! So I know I will have no difficulties there.
I've had some difficulties, one was around chocolate, so
I'll confess. I bought a
rittersport, and ate almost the whole thing
lol. I threw out some of it at the end, angered by my choice to buy it. Anyhow that makes me laugh really, it is my fat cells and
hormones against me...and they won! All I can say is I need to pay closer attention to possible binges etc in the future, as this could have been a lot more worse then what it was!!
Overall, I lost 4lbs, I am
extremely happy with that, even if it is part water weight!! I went down to 311 from 315, so I am happy!!!
Every week I hope to learn more and more about myself, and what works and what doesn't. If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear what works for you as well!! All I know is I trust my gut, and i don't mean literally!
lol I trust my inner self in a lot of different areas in my life, and I should apply it to
weight loss too. If it makes me feel good, then I know I am on the right track!
Here's to week 2!