Well folks, it happened-I officially joined Weight Watchers yesterday. I am totally pumped. There was a bit of a delay there, and I ended up booking a appointment with my MD. Earlier this week, I had a few asthmatic attacks. I have tonnes of allergies, unfortunately none are food allergies lol. I've had a few of these in the past: Wake up from sleep-tightness in chest, difficulties getting a full breath, coughing, and wheezing. So I have a puffer now...woo hoo! Needless to say, I got the note.
Unfortunately I did not know that this note was only for "packages" that you could buy and not for members who pay weekly. They cut me some slack though, and allowed me to pay week by week, and wave the start up fee. I went to the meeting right after working a night shift and went to the first available meeting at 8 a.m. I felt a bit out of place, and a total newbie-but I did it! I chose to go to the same location as I first did a few weeks prior, which helped me feel more comfortable.
So, I plan to go to a few meetings this week to get used to the program, and to try out another location. The speaker is wonderful at the main center on Westmount, tonnes of energy! Well I'll post after my first "official"week, and let you know how it goes!
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
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