I was talking to a good friend of mine Alissa, and we decided that we would go to a Weight Watchers group this morning. We planned this at 1:30 a.m while she was working a night shift, and chose to go to the first meeting at 8:00 a.m. 4 hours of sleep, 6:30 a.m came pretty fast, but I was really looking forward to go to my first meeting, and even better with a friend.
I heard my phone ring clost to 7:00 a.m, and it was Alissa. She was calling to make sure I was up, and was hoping that I didn't want to go lol. Working night shifts for me are very difficult after 3:00 a.m, so I knew she was tired!. No excuses from me, I was up- However i was 4 hours more rested then she was lol.
I have to say, I really enjoyed the meeting. It was better then I expected, and a much better turn out then what I invisioned. There was probably aproximently 30 men and woman there. For some reason I expected to see, much more over weight people like myself. I was quite surprized that there were only a few other people that I could even identify with, even more surprized at several people who have met there goal weight or are almost there.
After the meeting we spoke to the receptionist and were given some information on pricing etc. I have to admit, right from the start I thought that the meetings were quite pricey. However, I know I need to find what is going to work, and I am willing to do it at any price or sacrafice (whether its cash or cookies lol). Alissa had just bought a new home with her husband last month, and for her the best option seems to be to follow the program with me, but not to go to the meetings.
The accountabiliy, support, and tips is what I know I need, and the more the better. Not only that, but my competitive side wants to loose 5lbs to get a sticker! I've never wanted a sticker so bad in my life, and not only 1, I want 30 stickers to be exact. That's insane! lol I just have to keep telling myself, "One sticker at a time Sarah, one sticker!".
So I plan to join on Monday, and luckily one of my best buds mom is a MD. I am going to get a note quickly from her to join and to wave the $25- fee. Hey anything helps! It beats calling my MD for a note, and having to wait a week or two.
I am trying to get the knack of the points system, I know right now I require 39. I havn't put this to test though to see what 39 points of food looks like, but I soon will.
I am happy that I went today, and think this will be another vital component to loosing the weight, and keeping it off!
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
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